
Monday, April 5, 2010

Gongura Pacchadi

Ingredients :

Gongura Leaves 4 cups
Bengal Gram Dal 1 tbsp
Red Chilly Powder 2 tsp
Coriander seeds 1 tsp
Fenugreek & Cumin seeds Powder 1/4 tsp (jeelakara menthula podi)
Garlic Pods 8
Turmeric Powder 1/4 tsp
Salt as per taste
Oil 2 tbsps

Preparation :

Separate the leaves from stems, wash and
wipe with kitchen towel thoroughly .

Heat oil in a pan, add bengal Gram dal, coriander
seeds add garlic pods, turmeric powder, gongura
leaves and fry on medium to high flame .

Stir it continuously and add red chilly powder,
Salt, fenugreek and cumin seeds powder. These
leaves tenders very quickly and do not overcook
(should remain leafy), leaves must leave oil .

It is done.

It takes 15-20 Min's to cook.

Serve it with rice .

Makes 6 -7 servings .

Suggestions :

It can be grind in to paste.

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